In Victoria, if you are injured in the course of your employment, you may have an entitlement to compensation under the WorkCover Scheme, regardless of who or what caused the accident.

These entitlements may include:

  • The cost of medical and like services required to treat your injuries or illness;
  • Weekly payments to compensate you for loss of earnings;
    In some cases, a lump sum of compensation depending on the nature and extent of your injury.

Making A WorkCover Claim With Fortitude Legal

It goes without saying, but each case is unique and that’s how we will treat your case at Fortitude Legal. Having said that, there are some uniform procedural and practical steps that need to be taken in all WorkCover claims. The below is an informative guideline of the process of lodging a WorkCover claim.

The friendly injury compensation team at Fortitude Legal are here to assist you through the legal process

The scheme surrounding workers compensation and your entitlements is complex and there are strict time limits that apply.  It is important that you get appropriate legal advice from the outset to ensure that your rights are protected.

We can help you navigate the scheme, maximise your entitlements and make the decisions that are right for your future.

If you have a query, please do not hesitate to contact our expert Workers Compensation Team for a no obligation chat.

Fortitude Legal Injury Compensation Lawyers - Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong

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We are dedicated personal injury specialists committed to serving our fellow residents.

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