We understand the profound impact that institutional abuse can have on individuals and their families.  Our dedicated team specialises in advocating for victims of institutional abuse, whether it occurs in schools, religious organisations, healthcare facilities or any other institutional setting.

If you or your family member has been effected by Institutional Abuse, you may be entitled to compensation.

These entitlements may include:

  • The cost of medical and like services required to treat your injuries or illness;
  • Weekly payments to compensate you for loss of earnings;
  • In some cases, a lump sum of compensation depending on the nature and extent of your injury.

Our team provide compassion, support and quality legal representation to victims who have suffered abuse within institutional settings.  We understand the unique complexities involved in cases of institutional abuse, and our experienced team is dedicated to advocating for the rights or survivors.

We urge you to seek legal advice prior to accepting any payment from any redress scheme.

Various issues can arise with Institutional Abuse claim and we can provide advice and assistance including:

  • Preparing detailed medical and legal submissions in support of your claim
  • Vigorously pursue the Defendant for a determination
  • Keep you advised of significant developments as the claim proceeds

The friendly injury compensation team at Fortitude Legal are here to assist you through the legal process

Fortitude Legal Injury Compensation Lawyers - Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong

Get in Contact Today

We can help you with the expert legal support that you need.

We are dedicated personal injury specialists committed to serving our fellow residents.

Contact us today and let us fight for you.  We're in your corner.

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Related Claims

If your claim has been rejected by your WorkCover insurer for your weekly payments the injury compensation lawyers at Fortitude Legal in Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong can help.

Forced Adoption