What Is The Workplace Injury Commission?

On 1 September 2022, the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service changed its name to the Workplace Injury Commission (“WIC”).  The WIC is responsible for attempting to resolve disputes in relation to workers compensation entitlements between an injured worker and the WorkCover insurer via conciliation or arbitration. The introduction of the WIC led to some additional changes…

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Truckies Rocked by Suicide Trauma Fight for Justice

A Category of Forgotten Worker/Road User   This is an extremely distressing topic for us to raise, but we feel that not having the debate is to sit back and perpetuate a failure of the law and insurance for a category of hard-working, everyday people. It is a topic that involves the tragedy of suicide,…

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Injury involving an e-scooter?

Ongoing Issues Since the first trial of e-scooters in Australia in 2021, the media has been littered with stories of people suffering injury as a result of their foray into riding e-scooters, and/or pedestrian encounters with e-scooter riders.  The ABC recently reported that “A study by the Royal Melbourne Hospital found 256 patients were admitted to…

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Dog Attacks – Your Rights

A. What Are Your Rights? The Wrongs Act 1958 (‘the Act’) is the primary legislation in Victoria, which governs claims for personal injury where a person has been bitten by a dog (different legislation applies if the dog bite occurred at work and additional rights flow). As a victim of a dog attack, the Domestic…

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