E-Scooters Legalised

E-Scooters are here to stay.   Is it time to bring all E-Scooters (and not just high-powered ones which may be treated as unregistered motor vehicles) within the TAC scheme, so riders and pedestrians who suffer what are usually nasty injuries have proper insurance coverage?   Let us know what you think?   Read more…

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Not Wearing A Seatbelt. Do I Still Have Rights?

I Didn’t Have My Seat Belt On.  Do I Still Have Rights? In writing this article, we want to make it clear that as personal injury lawyers we see the devastating impact of transport accidents every day.  Wearing a seatbelt is not only law but reduces the risk of injury or death in a transport…

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Truckies Rocked by Suicide Trauma Fight for Justice

A Category of Forgotten Worker/Road User   This is an extremely distressing topic for us to raise, but we feel that not having the debate is to sit back and perpetuate a failure of the law and insurance for a category of hard-working, everyday people. It is a topic that involves the tragedy of suicide,…

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Even if Your Vehicle is on Autopilot – You’d Better Not Be!

Autonomous car

Yesterday’s horrific transport accident in Armadale which left a woman in a critical condition at The Alfred Hospital after being struck by the driver of a vehicle allegedly on Autopilot, is a stark reminder of every driver’s need to understand the capabilities of the technology they are using and their non-delegable duty to be responsible…

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Injured on the Road – Cyclists Rights

As a cyclist, you may have entitlements under the transport accident scheme if you were injured as a result of a collision that was directly caused by the driving of a vehicle (including cars, buses, motorcycles, trains and trams). It is important to note however that you may be covered as a cyclist in a…

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